
5 Things Poor People DO That The Rich DON’T

The reason why the rich people get to live the most amazing lifestyle and it opposite from poor people who struggle to get by because of these 5 things poor people do that the rich don’t.

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Today video I’m going to talk about 5 Things Poor People DO That The Rich DON’T (2019). That you can decide which one you want to be.

1:44 Number 1 Poor people watch TV and rich people read the book

Let me ask you this question how many hours do you watch TV per day vs how many hours do you read per day? Like Jim Rohn said: Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune.

3:20 Number 2 Poor people are consuming and rich people are creating

You are not just learning and saving up and holding all this information. You need to apply them right away. If not you are wasting your time.

6:04 Number 3 Poor people build other people brand and rich people build a personal brand

If you are doing dropshipping focus on build personal brand, if you are doing Amazon FBA focus on build personal brand, If you are doing affiliate marketing oh guess what you also need to build a personal brand around it.

7:54 Number 4 Poor people get paid based on time and Rich people get paid based on the result

Poor people get paid in direct exchange for their time so if you are working for 1 hour at In & Out Burger you get paid $11 in exchange. Rich people get paid based on what they have created and the result.

8:40 Number 5 Poor people do everything by themselves and rich people outsource the task they hate.

I was victim into this not only you. I was doing e-commerce. And guess what I do everything by myself and I hate it. Thank you for watching 5 things poor people do that the rich don’t.

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