
a video to watch when you are sad and lonely

Hey, it’s okay. I know you’re feeling down, and maybe a little lonely. But I want you to know that you’re not alone. There are people out there who care about you and want to help you through this tough time.

If you watch this video, it means you are doing ok. You are still breathing, and you owe yourself a smile. Life is hard, and there are constant hurdles on our way. You never know what will happen next, whether you are depressed, sad, lonely, or broken.

But I want to let you know I’m here for you, and I’m proud of you. So so proud of you. You have a beautiful life ahead of you, maybe you only spend 20% or 30% of your life span, but you still have another 70% or 80% left, and it is a long way.

Whatever you are feeling right now is temporary. It will change for the better, like the sun will rise every morning. As you get older, you will meet more good people and have more opportunities to open up. There are more places to visit you don’t have to stay in a box.

Be grateful for what you have and be mindful of those you surround yourself with. And continue to thrive. Life is weird that you can’t describe it in any shape or form. Because no one has an answer why we are created and what our purpose is going to be.

We all have a purpose in life, but it is up to you to find it. It is ok if you don’t have it right now, but the purpose will keep us moving forward. Whether you make people smile or create something you love, you have so much time and a bright future ahead of you.

You will have a lot of smiles with your friends who you share your story with and a road trip with family and lovers. You will be a great parent one day and teach your kid how to love, a compassionate human being just like you.

You will have many great experiences coming your way, so keep living. When you reach the end of your life span on your deathbed with your children and grandchildren on your side. You are going to want nothing more than live one more day.

No matter how many struggles we face, how many tears we shed. We only have one life, and it is precious. Even it feel empty right now but keep fighting, keep smiling, keep living because that’s all we got.

So I promise you if you do this, things will get better, and I’m here for you. Love you so much.

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