
Complete Youtube Affiliate Marketing For Beginners 2019

Today, I’m going over complete youtube affiliate marketing for beginners 2019. Making money on YouTube doesn’t have to be difficult.

(View On Youtube)

Affiliate marketing with YouTube is not the same as getting paid for views. How many views to make money on YouTube is not the same as affiliate marketing.

With affiliate marketing, you can get paid as much as 75% – 90% commissions for promoting other peoples products and services.


The process is actually quite simple. Here is my step by step complete youtube affiliate marketing for a beginner guide.

1:13 Step Number #1

Find Your Niche

If you don’t quite know what your niche is yet, here’s some advice that you might find useful.

Some key questions to ask yourself when determining your niche are:

What topics am I already passionate about? It’s much easier to work on something if you’re passionate about it.

What topic could I see myself easily writing 25, 50, or 100 blog posts about? The topic you choose must have enough depth that you can create a lot of content for it.

Are there affiliate programs available in this niche? This is obviously a crucial factor to consider. You might come up with an idea for a niche you know a lot about, but no affiliate program = no sales.

2:45 Step Number #2

Research Affiliate Program

You’ve probably already done a bit of research for this while researching your niche, now you need to dig deeper.

Choosing an affiliate program will take some work, but don’t be afraid to invest a significant amount of time into it because this is, of course, where your income will come from. Choosing the right program will make it well worth your while!

3:58 Step Number #3

Create Excellent Content

Your goal for your site will be to establish it as an authority site in your niche, and the main way to do this is to consistently produce unique, high-quality content.

7:10 Step Number #4

Build An Audience

Building an audience on your youtube channel in some ways, follow naturally once you start producing excellent content. An interested audience will not only bring you consistent traffic but also result in consistent sales for you.

8:55 Step Number #5

Rinse and Repeat

As affiliate marketer will repeat steps 3 – 5 on a continual basis. Building your youtube channel up to a point where it can make you consistent income and it takes a bit of work.

It can feel overwhelming to do all the necessary work involved in setting up your site and building your reputation. But trust me, once you’ve made that first sale, all the hard work will be worth it!

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And for more tips on how to make money online make sure you check out the following: