
How To Earn Passive Income With Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency 2021 For Beginners

How to earn passive income with Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency 2021 using ethereum 2.0, blockchain app, defi, xrp, leading, interest account.

Do you want to know how to increase your passive income streams through Bitcoin and cryptocurrency? If your answer is of course then this video is for you.

Trading is one way to make money in the cryptocurrency industry. However, making profits from buying low and selling high is definitely not a wise strategy for amateur investors like you and me.

In today’s article, we going to talk about how to earn passive income with bitcoin and cryptocurrency by the end of this, you will know how does it work? How much they pay you? And important of all is it really worth your time or not we about to find out so sit back relax and drink some coffee.

Despite spending countless hours learning the ins and outs of trading cryptocurrencies, keeping up with everything that happens in the rapidly evolving crypto market, there’s no guarantee you’re going to make a healthy return.

The truth is no one can predict short-term price movements, not even the best investors in the world. Fortunately, as cryptocurrency is becoming more mainstream, it also opens opportunities for passive income. To get you started, here are some of the possible ways to create crypto-powered passive income-earning opportunities.

Earn interest with Cryptocurrency

If you already own some popular cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin and Ethereum, you can lend them out and receive attractive interest in returns. Lending out your cryptocurrency for interest is completely passive.

It’s suitable for long-term investors who’re committed to holding their crypto and want to increase their crypto holdings without extra effort. There are many crypto lending platforms that allow you to deposit your crypto funds into their interest-bearing accounts for a predetermined amount of time to enjoy better interest (than a traditional bank).


Blockfi is a one-stop-shop wealth management platform focusing on crypto assets. It allows you to not just buy them, but also earn interest on them, take a loan or trade your cryptocurrencies.

Crypto assets BlockFi supports: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and USD stablecoin.

How does it work?

BlockFi focused mostly on its BlockFi Interest Account AKA (BIA). With a BIA, you could deposit money into the platform and then earn interest while you are holdings. People are paid to borrow money from BlockFi, and the system generated consistent profit for you.

Quick note here: Blockfi act like your bitcoin savings account platform. You could not earn anything interest if you hold your coin in coinbase or binance. You just held bitcoin, spent it as needed, and left it in your wallet. That’s why Blockfi is so different.

You can expect to get about 5 – 6% on your return on investment in the form of bitcoins.


This is one of the most reliable peer-to-peer lending marketplaces that you might want to look into. You can test it out with as little as $100 before jumping into this bitcoin investment. In general, you can expect to get about 12% on your return on investment in the form of bitcoins.

However, do note that when you put your money to earn interest, you’re temporarily transferring your crypto ownership to the lending site. In other words, you have to trust them that they’ll keep your coins safe for you.

HODL in an online wallet to earn rewards

Staking is a straightforward and simple way to earn rewards. Simply hold the cryptocurrency in your wallet and you’ll be rewarded for doing it.

If you don’t already know, Staking is a process of storing funds in a crypto wallet to support the operation and maintain the security of a blockchain network. Staking networks use Proof of Stake as their consensus algorithm. By staking your coins, you help to secure the network. And thus you’ll receive periodic rewards for holding your crypto funds.

On the contrary, Bitcoin network uses Proof of Work. Instead of staking, bitcoin miners use mining hardware and electricity to secure the Bitcoin network.

You’ll need to make sure your wallet is connected to the internet most of the time in order to earn the staking reward. The rewards you can earn vary depending on the number of coins you’re staking and the length of time you’ve been staking.

Affiliate Program: Get paid to refer a friend

There are many crypto affiliate programs that pay you for referring new users onto their platform. Affiliate programs are free to join.

Once you create an account, you’ll be given a special unique link. You can start sharing the link however you‘d like on social media, website, blog, forums. Whenever a person signs up or makes a purchase using your link, you will receive a commission.

The biggest advantage is that it’s quick to start and begin earning money. Plus, money would keep coming in days, weeks and months, even years after you put in all that effort.

If you already run a blog or website, or have a huge following on social media, affiliate programs can be a great way to make some good passive income! Remember, don’t go overboard with affiliate links, ads, discount, banners etc. And only promote high-quality products as an affiliate.

Host Dedicate Server To Earn Reward

If you’re a techie who’s serious about staking, you may consider running masternodes of cryptocurrencies. Masternode is basically a cryptocurrency full node or computer wallet that stores the entire copy of the blockchain’s ledger in real-time.

By keeping your wallet up and running 24/7 to maintain network stability and perform tasks, you’ll receive crypto as a reward. Running a masternode can be a very lucrative investment, you can expect to earn up to 10% interest annually.

However, it’s harder to get started compared to staking. It requires a substantial upfront investment and some technical ability and knowledge to set it up correctly. Plus, you’ll need to have larger crypto holdings that worth thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars just to get started with masternode.

For instance, to run a masternode on Dash network you need a minimum of 1,000 DASH (that’s four hundred thousand as of current price).


If you’re looking to build passive income stream that’s consistent month-to-month, make a profit with cryptocurrency and could potentially allow you to quit your 9-5, I recommend you start your own blog. Blogging is by far the most low-risk, cost-efficient way to earn passive income from cryptocurrency.

Unlike other methods on this list, creating content related to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is more of a long-term business method. You can’t get any instant return by writing a blog post or article. But once you build a following and get enough traffic, money can come in a lot easier than you think.

It’s easy to create and setup your own blog (you just need to pay for hosting). I’m using bluehost and it work fantastic and customer service is super nice.

The hard part is you’ll have to invest your time, effort into creating valuable content.  As more and more people are getting interested in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, the readership will continue to grow exponentially.

How you can earn money by displaying ads, promoting affiliate programs, sponsorships and more. If you’re looking to build a passive income or long-term business, starting a blog can be the best investment of your time!

You can’t expect to get a return instantly, but it can be extremely rewarding in the long run.  Our time is limited, so take advantage of these crypto earnings opportunities to increase your crypto holdings. Let your cryptocurrencies work for you, earning money while you sleep. Plus, you get to enjoy the massive potential upside when the price appreciation.

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