
How To Make Money Doing Nothing 2021 Best Ways To Earn $99 FAST

How to make money doing nothing 2021 for free and make paypal money.

Making money without even lifting a finger seems like something that only happens in our sweetest dreams. But there really are ways you can make money doing nothing.

I’m not promising you can earn a full-time income while you lay back on the sofa and watch TV all day, but you can earn a bit of extra cash which requires very little effort.

In today’s article, we going to talk about how to make money doing nothing by the end of this video, you will know how does it work? How much they pay you? And important of all is it really worth your time or not we about to find out so sit back relax and drink some coffee.

When I set out to become an entrepreneur a couple of years ago, I had one thing in mind: passive income. Entrepreneurship can be a rollercoaster and it is not easy to do it. But one thing that I learn is that you need to have multiple incomes because if one source of income stops you have another one to back it up.

­Which is why I make this video for you so you know there are plenty of way to have an income by doing nothing.


you can start earning passive money in as little as a few minutes with its very easy-to-use app.  All you need to do is install the app, sign up for an account and then watch your balance increase.  You can also use your pc or mobile.

This company will use your internet traffic for market research and data collection, which is shared with their trusted partners.  While the data collection term sounds scary, it isn’t as they don’t access your storage nor do they bombard you with ads.  You can be assured you’re protected from illegitimate device usage.

On the website, you can estimate your earnings, with the amount you earn greatly dependent upon how many devices you connect, how much daily traffic you share as well as how long you let the app “deliver content.”

On average, you can expect to earn about $26~ a month by doing nothing but let your phone and computer run.


This website allows anyone with a computer who wants to make money doing nothing.  All you need to do is download the app and let it run in the background to start making cash.  It only takes two clicks to get started.

According to the company, the average computer generates $22.80 a month while a gaming computer can generate $78 per month. This app works on more than 95% of the computers out there and is 100% automated.


This window app designed to harvest your computer’s idle power.  It runs quietly in the background, processing jobs one by one.  Whenever a job completes, it sends the results to LoadTeam, getting you paid for the job.

The nice thing about LoadTeam is that you can run as many computers as you wish and you only need $1 to cash out.  That’s one of the lowest minimum payment thresholds on the market. You can play around with a calculator on their website to see how fast it will take you to earn a buck. 

It seems like you would earn about $0.20 per day if you let it use your computer 24 hours.  Again, that’s per computer.  Remember, It won’t make you rich but it does give you a passive income.


This website will use your idle computer as part of its network to help run complete mathematic tasks.  Every time you send finished work back, they will reward you with points, which will depend on the task length. 

These points can then be converted into PayPal payments or even multiple prizes listed on the website right here.  Some tasks will only take a few seconds, whereas other tasks can take more than a few minutes. According to the company, how much you earn will depend on your computer processor.  If you want to see how powerful your computer is, you can run a test on the site to see how many points you can earn.

The only downside is that if you want cash, you will have to wait until you have $100 in points (10,000,000 points) to cash.  This could take some time if you rarely use the app and/or have a limited number of computers.


This website works just like others as I mentioned.  Just install the app and allow it to mine your computer power.  In return, you can earn what’s known as Gamercoin, in which you can cash out for a variety of rewards, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The app will use your CPU to mine different cryptocurrencies that are deemed to be more profitable. You can check out the profitability calculator on the website as it can give you a better idea as to what you can earn.  Let me show you

It really depends on your PC card and how often you let it use your idle power.  In many cases, you could earn about $1 a day.


According to the official website, they will mine cryptocurrency and pay you in bitcoins or real money, whichever you prefer.  If you want something as easy as installing and sitting back, this is it.

To get started, you will need to download the app so that it can test your PC’s performance.  And, as long as you’re eligible, you can then create an account and start running the software in your background.

The nice thing about Kryptex is that you only need $0.50 to cash out, and they have international options as well.  Depending on your setup, you can earn anywhere from a few dollars a month to more than $13,570 if you were to have a mining farm.


As a streamer, you’re helping customers who want to use the PacketStream network and surf the web securely and privately.  It’s a peer-to-peer proxy network, the first of its kind, to help users from around the world use their network to surf the web securely.  Customers will purchase bandwidth and then use residential IPs.

To start using the platform, all you need to do is download the PacketStream and start running it to use credits. Now, the system pays out a pinch differently than the ones I mentioned before as you will get paid by every gigabyte of data you provide to the network, usually around $0.10 per GB.


This real estate investment apps offer an easy way to invest in real estate, with far less of an investment than buying a property on your own. They let you get in on a real estate investment for as little as $500. The company helps you get better returns on your money, managing the entire project on your behalf.

It will pool your investment with other investors so you can gain access to private real estate deals. This is a cool way to diversify your investments and make money for doing nothing.


This is an investing app that lets you invest your spare change and earn passive income in interest. The nice thing about Acorns is that it helps you invest money without drawing more than $.99 from your account at a time.

The way Acorns works is by connecting your debit or credit cards. When you make a purchase for say $24.50 at the store, Acorns rounds up your payment to $25 and invests $.50 on your behalf. It’s an extremely easy way to start an investment account without dipping into your savings or committing to monthly payments you may not be able to afford.

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And for more tips on how to make money online make sure you check out the following: