
Online Testing Jobs Work From Home Hiring In 2021

Online testing jobs work from home hiring in 2021, this tutorial for beginners and it is a side hustle, part time for test gaming, user experience.

If you want to get paid to test websites and apps, you actually have to be a computer genius. I’m just kidding with you. That’s what a lot of people think but it’s actually not true at all.

Instead of answering questions about products, you’ll be helping with the functionality, usability, and design of a website or app.

Basically, you’ll be making the web a less buggy, more functional, better look, all while making money at the same time!

In today’s article, we going to talk about online testing jobs by the end of this, you will know how does it work? How much they pay you? And important of all is it really worth your time or not we about to find out so sit back relax and drink some coffee.

What does a user tester do?

The straightforward answer is that you test websites and app. You pretty much just use the site/app as normal people would, making sure the user experience is a good one.

Most of the time these “user tests” will require you to record your screen and voice so that you can voice your opinions and give feedback as you go.

The more complex user testing jobs require you to be a bug tester. As a bug tester, you’re basically trying to test out a website or app to see if there any glitch or some function not working. Your main job is looking for important technical issues.

Once you find an issue, you report it to the developer and get rewarded. That may sound easy, but a lot of bugs are actually quite difficult to find. It takes practice.

What do you need to start testing?

Well, simple you need a high-speed internet connection, a computer or laptop, microphone and webcam. You should also be able to speak and write in English because most tests will require it.

Do you need any skills to test a website or app?

The answer is NO. However, you have to complete a simple qualification test. They use this test to make sure your microphone is audible enough.

Also, they want to see how well you can express your thoughts while giving feedback. So, confidence matters. 

How much money can you make?

It is definitely a side-hustle, not a job. Typically, a test will pay $10-$20 and take less than 30 minutes to complete. That sounds great if you do the math for $20-$40 per hour.

But … for most people, there are few available tests. You certainly won’t be taking 10 tests per day and getting $100 – $200.

If you find you really like testing, it is best to sign up for a number of companies. That way you will increase the number of available tests.

Here are some of the companies hire this position:

#1 Playtestcloud

If you love playing games (and especially love getting paid to do it!) then Playtestcloud is for you.

You can become a game tester for both web-based games and app-based games, just by completing a quick application form.

Once you’re accepted, you’ll be invited via email to test new games for bugs, or to provide your honest feedback on the game itself.

As you play, you’ll speak your thoughts to record them for the client.

Your invitation will show you how much you’ll earn for the task, but most take about 15 minutes and pay $9 USD and you get to pay through PayPal.

#2 Whatuserdo

WhatUsersDo has a simple sign-up process involving downloading their screen recorder and taking a practice test. That’s it.

Once you’re signed up you’ll begin receiving 3-5 tests per month via email. If you complete your tests really well and provide useful feedback you will be offered more tests per month.

They will pay you $5 for each test and the payment through PayPal on the 25th of each month.

#3 Userfeel

On UserFeel each test will take you around 10-20 minutes and pay out $10. You can take the tests on your computer or smartphone.

You have to do a qualifying test when you sign up, and your results determine how many testing jobs will become available to you as a tester.

After your tests are approved, payment will be sent out through PayPal.

#4 Utest

So, what you’ll be doing on UTest will be looking for bugs in a piece of software. The pay varies for each test cycle, but you can expect $5 per bug on average.

However, when you sign up don’t expect to be getting paid jobs in your inbox right away, you could be waiting up to 2 weeks just to receive your Sandbox test, which is a practice test you must complete before receiving paid projects. You’ll then have to build up your rating slowly to get more test invites.

UTest is a bit overwhelming at first because there is a lot more going on with it than the other user testing sites.

But don’t worry! Once you spend a bit of time on it and learn the layout everything will start making sense. Don’t give up on this one because it has a ton of earning potential.

There are users making a full-time income ($3,000/mo+) with UTest. Now this obviously won’t happen quickly and it won’t be easy but it is proof that it is possible if you put the work in.

#5 Test.io

Test.io works with some awesome companies like Doordash and SoundCloud to give them insights into their apps, websites.

First, you need to test their latest app, website and get paid for every bug you find. You can earn as high as $50 per issue found.

If you are new and can’t find any issues, don’t worry. You can rate the apps and still get paid. This is a great work-from-home opportunity that allows you to work whenever you want.

The application process is simple. Just register and add all your devices. An invitation will be sent out to your email with the first test.

When you find bugs on this test, you get paid. Payments are usually sent out through PayPal, Skrill, Payoneer Mastercard, or bank transfer.

#6 UserTesting

UserTesting is one of the more well-known websites that pay users to test websites.

The first thing you have to do is take a practice test, then you’ll get to start doing paid tests. You’ll get reviewed for these tests so make sure you’re providing value and voicing your thoughts out loud the entire test.

After your practice test is approved you’ll start receiving paid tests in your dashboard. You’ll have to take a short screener (takes one minute) for each paid test to see if you qualify because the customers want specific users taking their tests.

You get about 1-2 tests per week that actually qualify for. For each of these tests, you get paid $10 and they will pay you through PayPal seven days after you complete the test.

They have tests for smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Occasionally you may be able to take part in a live test where you talk to a customer live while testing a website. These tests usually pay $30 per 30 minutes.

An important tip for user testing is to leave your dashboard open at all times because the tests go to whoever is online FIRST.

If you guys interest to work with Usertesting I make a video about it make sure you check the video right here.

Here are some tips to increase your chances of making more money:

  1. Sign up for as many sites as you can – The more sites you’re on the more job opportunities you’ll see.
  2. Have a good tester rating – Most sites on this list have ratings for all their testers. If your rating is high, you’ll get sent more jobs. Make sure that you are giving quality feedback and following the tester guidelines on each site.

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